A day at the zoo

Last Sunday we had really perfect weather here in Vienna. After a long cold time without a lot of sun it was a perfect day to walk our cameras. So we decided to visit ‘Zoo Schönbrunn’ – Vienna’s well-known and famous zoo – to take some nice pictures. By the way – If you’ve plans taking a trip to Vienna I strongly recommend to visit Schönbrunn – you won’t regret it – trust me

So … I got my Nikon D700 Camera + Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR lens with me and my wife brought a Nikon D3100 and also a Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR with her. Due to the harsh light caused by direct sun we didn’t get home many ‘keepers’ but nevertheless we had  a very relaxing time … it is a great pleasure to sense the coming of spring ….

Let us please you with some impressions:



 bear1 bear2



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