In the morning we had a second dive at ‘Endiri Tila’ but the really interesting dive we had in the afternoon at ‘Wreck MV Kudhi Maa’, a cargo ship which has been sunken here on purpose in 1999. The sight was fine, our maximum dive-depth was about 23 meters and the temperature was 28°C.
It was the first time that we had the opportunity to dive a wreck and it was a thrilling experience! I’ll never forget the magic moment when the wreck shows up through the dark blue water ….. very cool! But enough chatting just let the pictures talk for themself:
So this was our last dive at Angaga for this year, a perfect final dive! Tomorrow we will just do some snorkeling at the house-reef and the next morning we’ll head back to Vienna :(
Anyways, we had so many nice dives at unbelievable dive-spots and we can take so much unforgettable impressions with us, that there is no time for sadness ;)
So see you tomorrow for a last live-posting straight from Angaga-Island …
Stay well!
Yours, Andrews >:o)