Angaga Experiment.Reloaded | day 5


Today just some impressions from Angaga island. The colors you see on this shot are original – no Photoshop – I swear ;) This is what we see if we take 10 steps out of our apartment and turn right.

According diving … in the morning we went by boat to ‘Madivaru Manta Point’ which took us about 50 minutes. Maximum dive-depth was 16m with medium well sight of about 10m. Dive-time was 55 minutes with a water-temperature of about 29°C.

We meet two Mantas but they came not near enough to take a good picture with my 8mm fish-eye :( But we’ll be back again by the next 8 days, so let’s see if we can snap a great picture of this cool animals.

At the afternoon we had one dive at Angagas house-reef with some good foto-opportunities. The most interesting one is the following picture of ‘something’ which moved like a snail but had amazing dimensions of about 30cm x 20cm. I’ve never seen something like that before … but maybe one of our readers can give us a hint?


Cu tomorrow!
Andrew >:o)

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