Colors go wild these days – what a bewildering variety of red – unbelievable!
Ciao, Andrew >:o)
Just an impression of the ‘danube’-river in a sunny moment .. enjoy it!
By the way – today I got the delivery-note for my new ‘Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40 mm F1:2.8’ from Amazon. I hope it will arrive till friday so that I can use it over the weekend.You can get my first impressions here as soon as I can get my hands on it.
Good night, >:o) Andrew
In the morning it was raining and after rain stopped we had very special cloud formations for the rest of the day. I passed ‘Milleniumstower’ in the early evening. Light was fine so I took this picture. To me it owns some sort of unreal look like we know it from the movie ‘Sin City’ … uh … scary!
By the way … It was the first time that I used my new tripod and I’have to admit that I’m very satisfied. It’s a ‘SIRUI M-3205X’ combined with a ‘SIRUI K10X’ ball-head. It’s light-weight but very sturdy and easy to use. We’ll see – maybe I’ll post a review by the next weeks.
Have a good night, Andrew >:o)