Bottom Line 2013

The year 2013 is over and I’m rushing into the new year 2014. Time to look back and do a quick résumé of the things that went fine last year and others that need more enhancement by 2014.


  • I’m happy with my daily photo blog. The software works fine now and although it’s hard work to get one picture every day, I can see the advantage to stay in practice. I’m forced to take my camera with me and to use it everyday.
  • I don’t regret the purchase of my Olympus 12-40mm lens. This was one of the best photo-equipment buys in recent years. It’s an amazing lens!
  • I’m really satisfied with a handful of shoots I got last year


  • I’ve to do more portrait-work to get more confident in this area and I’ve to enhance also my lighting-skills. It’s not a matter of equipment – everything needed is obtained already – it’s just a matter of doing!
  • Get more confident in HDR photography. I’ve some picture-ideas but I’m lacking the technical skills so far to put it into practice.
  • My english skills have to improve considerably!

So you see – there is still a lot to be done this year ;)

And last here are my favorite pictures of 2013:

Angry Duck


Tricking water-birds can become dangerous – they are unforgiving animals! This duck was in the meaning he gets fed but it found out that I had no tasty tidbits with me quickly and got rather angry :(

Beware of angry ducks! Yours Andrew >:o)