This shop has seen better times for sure but it is still good for some nice pictures. It reminds me of the fact that nothing lasts for ever … so don’t forget to savour the moment … in just one second its history.
Good night, Andrews >:o)
Today a bridge across the ‘Wien Fluss’ (= Wien River). If you have a closer look on the bridge girder in front you can find a funny detail. It’s an old calculator mounted on the bridge showing the word ‘glue’.
Please don’t ask me what this means :)
Good night, Yours Andrew >:o)
Getting a usable picture of a big tree is really challenging to me. But once in a while I take another attempt to master this challenge. So this time I just tried to point the camera up to the sky from the bottom of the subject which gave me an interesting perspective …. not perfect but better as usually ;)
Good day to you, Andrew >:o)
Some details in addition to yesterdays posting. The blue vases located along the path are worth a more detailed look! I’m not sure what the face means but I suppose it could be Neptune the good of the sea. I couldn’t get detailed information about this but maybe one of my readers can help out here?
Thanks in advance, Andrew >:o)