Series | Photographers

Since I started this blog I met a lot of interesting and kind people who really deserve a more detailed introduction. So from now on I’ll introduce you to photographers well-known to ‘’ and willing to share personal information and a basic portfolio. People listed here are also eligible to present their best shot of the month as ‘daily picture’ on ‘’ on a monthly base.

You can navigate directly to the photographers list by selecting ‘menu > Articles > Photographers’.

So, today let me introduce you to Constantin and his work. Constantin, the stage is yours ;) …

“…. About me I can tell you that I’m a retired person, I live in Galati- located in the vicinity of the Danube,  and I’m only an amateur in the field of photography, who is trying to take different kind of photos. Also, I’m open to advice from other people more skilled than me. I can mention that in every trip all the participants except me use only little compact cameras or cell-phones to take photos.

Before 1990, I took many B&W photos using a russian camera (named Zorki), and in 2008 I started to work with a digital camera – Canon A570 IS, than a Sony H10,  in 2012 – Sony Nex-5N with 18-55mm+Sigma 19mm and this year Oly-M5+Sigma 19mm and  both cameras together are heavy enough for me.

I like to shot landscapes, churches, nice buildings, flowers, “weird” looking trees, and I like to produce as good as possible photos based on existing gear. Of course when necessary I shot family photos also.

About the gear, I consider the Oly-m5 better than Sony Nex-5N because this Sony delivers too weird/warm colours  especially indoor, but Sony is better in terms of ISO noise.

I wish to have a good zoom lens for Oly-M5 (Oly 12-40 or Pana 12-35) but the price is very high here, and the risk to buy a bad copy is also possible. Such expensive lenses can be bought only online or directly in only one showroom in Bukarest.

Also, I have to improve the IQ of my low light outdoor/indoor photos of wich I’m not content at all.”

Some of Constantin’s pictures I like most:


Many thanks for this nice introduction! We hope to hear more from you on this blog ;)

Coooool Bike!


I spotted this rather coooool bike at Vienna’s second district. I’m not sure but it seemed to be powered by battery. Maybe one of my readers can provide more information about it?

By the way – weather here gets worse and worse. It’s raining over the whole weekend ….. like it did also at most of the weekends before ….. very sad :(

Ciao, Andrew >:o)