Angaga Experiment.Reloaded | day 6


Todays cover-picture shows the boat which gets us to the dive-spots. It looks a little bit rustic but the boat is very handy! In the middle of the boat the tanks are stored, to the left and right side people can sit. The roof protects against sun and can be used for sunbathing if you climb up the stairs on top of it. In the front of the boat divers use the platform to jump into the water and at the sides they move down a lather to get up on the boat again after the dive. There is a toilet under deck and a shower with freshwater at the front side. You see – everything needed for a good dive is in place ;)

Today we had just one dive in the morning at ‘Endiri Tila’, about 50 mins by boat from Angaga island. This was the best dive we had so far. The reef is so beautiful – it’s unbelievable! Tons of glas-fish, a moray in every second hole, hunting tunas and bluefin-mackereles, lionfishs, anemones of fancy colors with clown-fish inside and best of all – no current. Today the water was crystal-clear at about 30°C. A perfect dive!

In the afternoon we took a break – just some snorkeling at the house-reef and relaxing. Because tomorrow we need power and also some luck at sharkewale-watching. Don’t forget to cross your fingers!

And here some eye-candy for you:




For the curious reader … the last picture is ‘Dori fish soup’ (powder blue tang). Have you ever seen such a big swarm? No? Me also not! Unbelievable …

Regards and sleep well,
Andrews >:o)

Angaga Experiment.Reloaded | day 4


Todays title-shot shows my brave wife at about 20 meters under water. She became a really good scuba-diver since last year and gave me a helpful lending hand today at the second stress-full dive. A little bit to strong current for my taste, to less air and too much buoyancy, caused by missing weight, made the safetystop at the end of the dive a rather stress-full issue :(  But she got me down at 5 meters for 3 minutes .. my hero! :)

By the way, todays pictures are taken with a snapshot camera boxed in a cheap underwater-case – the Canon Powershot S100 – for the more curious reader. the quality is far from my Olympus-rig, but you can get usable pictures with this little cam also as you can see here:







All pictures have been taken at the two dive-spots ‘Mirihi Tila’ and ‘Shameem Tila’ we visited today by boat. Both dives took about 1 hour with a maximum dive depth of about 20 meters. Water temperature was about 28°C and good sight of about 15 to 25 meters. We meet two ‘Whitetip reef sharks‘, a big ‘Eagle Ray‘, a lot of smaller fish and at the way home to Angaga island some dolphins showed up near the boat!

What can I say … a rather cool day also if I had some trouble at my second dive ;)

So enough for today … hope you enjoyed the show … see you again tomorrow!
Yours Andrews >:o)