

Today we checked our garden which hasn’t been trimmed over the last two weeks while we’ve been on vacation. It’s unbelievable how fast grass grows and the same is also true for the rambling weeds ;)  A lot of work has to be done over the next two weeks to get everything back in shape!

Nevertheless there was enough time to snap a macro of a candytuft-blossom.

Enjoy it! Yours Andrew >:o)

Special Guests :)


As spring isn’t too far, the new garden-year will start soon. So we got this ‘special Guests’ in our front yard, ready to take off!

We call this little men ‘Gartenzwerge’ which means something like ‘garden gnome’ and its good practice to add a set of them to your garden. Garden gnomes are typically males, often bearded, usually wear red hats and often have pipes. They are made in various poses and I think they bring good luck to their owners ;)

Good luck to you and cu tomorrow, Andrew >:o)