Angaga Experiment | day 3


Today I’ve activated my underwater-housing so it’s time to present you the first impressions from Angaga@sea. This big ‘Giant Moray’ posed like a professional model :)

And believe it or not – we meet our first two sharks directly at the reef edge of the Angaga-Atoll. I was a little bit too surprised, so before I pulled the trigger they disappeared into the deep blue. I was just a hand-length away from this amazing animals – an unbelievable thrill!

Ciao! Andrew >:o)

Angaga Experiment | day 1


The first day in paradise … and I think it really works … I could take photographs the whole day … lot of inspiration :)

Joking apart, weather is nice, the island is really beautiful, water quality is extraordinary and marine life is just overwhelming. Just sun, white sand and chilling ….

Wish you all a nice weekend,
Yours Andrew >:o)

(PS: On the picture you can see some special kind of apartments on this island. They are built on wooden pillars directly into the sea and just a small boardwalk leads over there.)

Angaga Experiment | day zero


Now … it sometimes happens that you get out of inspiration and it becomes harder and harder to take the daily shot for your blog. The best way to overcome this situation is to shift location and reset your mind :) So ladies and gentleman – let me present you my Angaga-Experiment!

The next 14 days this blog will broadcast live from Angaga Island (Maldives – South Ari Atol). Today just have a look at the cool seaplane we used to set over from ‘Male’ to ‘Angaga Island’.

Yours Andrew >:o)